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Square Footage 2000 - 4000

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New Homes in Fredericksburg, Virginia

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Nestled within metropolitan Washington, DC, Fredericksburg stands as one of Virginia’s most populous cities. Ryan Homes provides a generous selection of new homes in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and our local real estate is near some of the state’s most sought-after neighborhoods. Whether you’re drawn by its charming character or the nearby job opportunities, interested buyers would do well to survey all of our new constructions in Fredericksburg.

New Homes in Fredericksburg Near Employment Opportunities

With both Fairfax and Arlington within easy commute, our Fredericksburg home communities are an exceptional choice for motivated professionals. Northern Virginia stands as the cradle of the American contracting and defense sectors, and is home to Fortune 500 players ranging from Booz Allen Hamilton to and General Dynamics all within easy commute. In addition, the surrounding area has myriad opportunities in the Internet and technology sectors as well. Beyond the nearby economy promise, Fredericksburg has a charming local character. Our new homes in Fredericksburg are near some of Virginia’s most well-preserved historic architecture, with gorgeous sites spread generously throughout the Fredericksburg Historic District.

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