Havre de Grace


49.98 miles

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Square Footage 2000 - 4000

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New Homes in Havre De Grace, Maryland

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Settled in the easternmost portion of Harford County, Havre de Grace rests at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. Many of our new homes in Havdre de Grace are along the waterfront, and the area has an abiding history as a bayside city. Whether you're drawn to its gorgeous locales or growing communities, our new Havre de Grace home developments have much to offer interested buyers.

New Homes Near the Havre de Grace Waterfront

Much of the most sought-after Havre de Grace real estate is situated not far from the Chesapeake Bay itself, and the much new construction continues to spring up around the various estuaries and rivers that flow through the region. Havre de Grace was originally founded as a small hamlet, and much of its history after the close of the Revolutionary War centers on its growth as a fishing and portside town. Havre de Grace has a rich maritime history, and was a hub of fishing and shellfish catching throughout the 1800s. The city has long served as a satellite to nearby Baltimore, and our home communities in Havre de Grace allow easy commute to Baltimore while being settled in some of Havre de Grace’s unique locales. Havre de Grace has gone under a thorough revitalization campaign in recent years, and it's local communities are drawing a growing number of homeowners who gravitate to the area's historic charms.

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